The Harlow Report

The Harlow Report-GIS

2023 Edition

ISSN 0742-468X
Since 1978
On-line Since 2000

first published week of:   05/01/2023

New Location-Based Android Timeline Setting May One Day Replace the One in Google Maps

by Michael Perrigo

Google's attempts to improve user privacy may lead to the eventual demise of the Google Maps Timeline, replaced by a more privacy-focused alternative built directly into Android phones

Google Maps’ Timeline tool has always been a bit of a controversial feature, sparking reactions and making users uneasy. Some find it downright creepy to discover a detailed map of their whereabouts, tracking their every move with a GPS-enabled handset. Fortunately, disabling the Timeline is a straightforward process.

Today, Twitter user @Nail_Sadykov noticed that Android phones may soon have a location-based timeline of their own built right in. He shows off the screenshots found below of “Your timeline” and states that the new tool will be located under Settings > Location > Location Services.

 Read full story at Chrome Unboxed